Enlighten Spring Camp 2016
Happy Chinese New Year! 2016 is the year of the Monkey.
Spring is here and we have a lot in store for the students. We have invited five Chinese artists to our school to conduct various activities including paper cutting, handcrafted eggs, face painting, fan, painting, and diabolos(Chinese yo-yo). The students have a wonderful opportunity to engage in these activities and to learn from these five artists. This camp is very similar to our annual summer camp. We hope each student will be able to learn and love the Chinese New Year!
We welcome volunteers to assist us over this course. With your help and support, Enlighten Spring Camp will be a great success!
Students: K-8th Grade
Volunteers: 9th Grade and over
Date: Feb, 16- Feb, 19 (4 days total)
Time: 8:30am-1:30pm
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Fill out the form and send by email to Office@enlightenschool.org or print out and hand it to EES Office.
“2016欢乐春节-启明春令营“秉承一贯的办学作风,让学生们学有所成、学有所乐。我们在课程设计上永远保持创新,以求不断提供更多、更好的项目给孩子们。今年,我们特别推出欢乐春节-启明春令营, 将中国新年的传统项目 生动鲜活地带到海外中小学学生面前,让孩子们在营地里亲身体验、感受品味中华文化的菁华,培养海外学童对中华文化的理解和热爱。
“2016欢乐春节-启明春令营”将携手中国民间艺术绝活走进营地,带领孩子们从不同方面饱览璀璨中华之美。今年的专家团队阵容强大,来自中国民间艺术协会的5位艺术大师,为我们的学生们带来剪纸,脸谱,彩蛋,空竹,扇面5项精彩的传统中国艺术绝活. 春令营期间,艺术大师们将会在每天的活动中分别展示并教授这5项艺术绝活的历史以及制作过程,带给孩子们一次深度的零距离的文化之旅。
彩蛋(Handcrafted eggs):
蛋饰工艺品是一种传统手工艺,又称彩蛋,是北京传统民间手工艺品,有着千年的传统,是采用手绘、雕刻、腐蚀等手艺制作, 以各种蛋类为原料,抽取掉蛋液,经过清洗、杀菌、打磨后填上小孔,最后作画、定形,一件精美的彩蛋工艺品就制作好了。
指导老师:李苍彦 先生
Handcrafted eggs are a traditional Beijing folk arts and crafts filled with thousands years of tradition. First, the egg white and egg yolk are extracted out of the egg, then egg shell is cleaned, sterilized, holes are filled. Finally it’s painted, and shaped into an exquisite, handicrafts eggs.
脸谱(Face painting):
指导老师:林泓魁 先生
林泓魁老师擅长脸谱绘画, 推出了按照大头小身子的卡通形象来设计的卡通脸谱,是一种年轻人喜欢的脸谱造型,也是脸谱里的一种创新。
Face painting is painting of an actor/actress’s face on stage, for different roles, the color used in face paint is different. Face painting varies according to the different personality and character.
空竹(Diabolo, Chinese Yo-Yo))
空竹,中国民间玩具, 以竹木为材料制成,中空,因而得名,古称空筝,俗称响葫芦。抖空竹是我国汉族民间传统的杂艺游戏活动,流行全国各地,尤其北方为盛行。
指导老师:郭晓霞 女士
The diabolo is a juggling prop that made of wood and consist of an axle and two cups or discs. The Diabolo is a traditional folk art game and is very popular in northern part of China.
剪纸(Paper cutting):
指导老师: 孙春播 女士
孙春播老师是孙氏剪纸第四代传人, 中国民间文艺家协会剪纸艺术委员会会员。曾受邀参加参加北京迎奥运艺术展,意大利米兰文化节等中外活动。其作品在第一届华夏风韵剪纸展中获金奖, 《国际民族民间艺术展》中获铜奖,其生肖团花被国家博物馆收藏。
Chinese paper cutting is a kind of folk art that uses scissors or a knife to engrave patterns on paper .In China, paper cutting is easy accessible, and plays an important role in the people’s life.
扇面(Fan Painting):
指导老师: 李岩 先生
李岩老师是中华女子学院教师,2011年毕业于东南大学艺术学院。研究生学习期 间受业于著名国画家程明震教授。李岩老师在国画领域成绩显著,擅长扇面绘画,多次参加国内学术活动、个展及 联展。
Fan painting has a long history of traditional art in China. May well-known calligraphy and paints illustrate their work onto fans. Fan painting is very special for it requires a lot of skill and practice.