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19 Fri
Fee Due (February) @ EES
Fee Due (February) @ EES
Feb 19 all-day
February’s schedule is: 2/15/2016 – 3/11/2016 Grace Period is: 2/15/2016 – 2/19/2016 Tuition of October should be paid by 2/19/2016. Late fee will be $20 for monthly tuition and $1/day for transportation fee.
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12:00 am 2016 Spring Camp @ EES
2016 Spring Camp @ EES
Feb 19 @ 12:00 am – 1:30 pm
2016 Spring Camp @ EES
隆重推出 – 启明快乐春令营  启明倾情送大礼,欢欢喜喜迎新春! Registration information is here. 我们的孩子喜爱复活节的彩蛋,但他们是否见过中国历史悠久,玲珑可爱的蛋画?也许他们见过古装剧中才子佳人手持摇扇,风度翩翩,但他们可曾想过亲自画制这样的一把折扇? 启明一如既往地把中国传统文化的精髓带给身居海外的孩子们。 今春,启明携手中国民间艺术家协会,特邀五位顶尖艺人莅临启明,传授中国传统文化。我们将开设蛋画,空竹,脸谱,扇面及剪纸课程,让孩子们过一个有着浓浓年味的传统中国年。 Happy Chinese New Year! 2016 is the year of the Monkey. Spring is here and we have a lot in store for the students. We have invited five Chinese artists to our school to conduct various activities including paper cutting, handcrafted eggs, face painting, fan, painting, and diabolos(Chinese yo-yo). The students have a
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